Saturday, November 18, 2006

Blessed are Those Who Mourn…

Last Friday I said I would be doing a series of posts on the beatitudes. My goal is to take one beatitude per Friday -- and in eight weeks this worthwhile task should be complete. But, as you may have noticed -- I just missed the Friday mid-night deadline, sorry about that! I'm sure there are folks all over blog-world not sleeping tonight over this. (I'm joking of course)

Last week we looked at the first beatitude… "blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."(Matthew 5:3)

The first beatitude is the foundation on which the rest of the beatitudes are built. So, if you're interested in brushing up a bit on what it means to be "poor in spirit" – please click the link on the right side column that says blessed are the poor in spirit…

Otherwise we'll press on with the next beatitude.

Matthew 5:4
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

This is a very convicting passage. As we established last week – the first part of each beatitude would capture the intended meaning better if they were stated more in this way… Oh the bliss of those who…

Now for the second part… Oh the Bliss, of those who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.

When Jesus spoke of mourning here, he was not actually speaking of the type of mourning that leaves us broken over someone else’s loss. To be broken over such a loss is right and good – it’s just not what Jesus was really getting at here.

When Jesus spoke this beatitude, he was building on the first one (“blessed are the poor in spirit.") He was making the point that – when we finally realize just how destitute we are before God, it should break our hearts and drive us to our knees in mourning – Or another way to say it is… when I realize just how bankrupt I am before God – it should crush me, and cause me great agony in my spirit to realize how great a distance there is from his pure heart, to my distracted heart.

Psalm 51:17
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.

Oh the bliss of those whose hearts are broken over their sin and distance from God. For they shall find themselves being comforted by him.


Anonymous said...

Nice post!
His blessings this day.

Mary L. said...

That is a comforting thought. I am constantly amazed at how powerful the word of God is.

I hope everything went well this weekend. Have a great evening and a safe trip home!


Anonymous said...


God bless
Maria in the UK

jamie riley said...

Thank you all for stopping by...

Tim -- thanks for the encouragement, I appreciate your visit, please feel welcome to visit often.

Mary L. -- So, how is the school teacher today?
Anyway, thanks for visiting -- and always being so encouraging.
BTW - the retreat was great, God clearly blessed us, thanks for your prayers.

Maria -- thank you for your blessing, and prayer. You know we all are so in need of others lifting us up to the Lord.

Aaron McCray said...

You are exactly right on here. Thank you for the post. I know I have personally experienced the LORD comforting me and sensing his forgiveness for the distance I created between us. I can hardly find words to describe that feeling.

Just like when you know you have wronged someone and how hard it is to swallow up that guilt and ask for forgiveness. Only to find out that this person is willing to just lose thought of that wrong and take you in their arms and you can truly feel that forgiveness just through their love.

Aaron McCray said...

Hey Jamie might be good to post this series on the Beatitudes on Sunshine's Blog. Not to take away from yours, but just to make sure everyone sees them.

Or maybe even just a short note with a link over to them.