How do you connect with God?
It seems I’ve been asked that question or at least a variation of it a lot lately. “How do you connect -- you know -- with God?” Some say when they pray, “it seems as though I’m just saying things out loud," and others say the same things about worship (singing). When it comes to reading the Bible some have said they struggle with having the desire to read because of the struggle in the other parts of their spiritual walk.
It makes it pretty much impossible to grow as a Christian if you’re not connecting with God on a regular basis, and those who ask this question ask it because they know this is true. So with broken hearts and feeling very inadequate in their relationship with God they search for answers.
I’m far from a “worship or spiritual growth specialist,” (in fact I’ve never heard of such a thing) and my approach to worship and connecting with God is not very impressive -- in fact it’s pretty simple. But God has blessed me with it – and if you’re struggling in connecting with him perhaps He’ll bless you as well.
My relationship with God starts with remembering that very thing – its relationship – not duty, service, or anything else. I know this because of the many passages in his word -- passages where he has called me son, friend, child, or used some other relational greeting, or told of his love for me that endures forever – that’s relationship. So it’s in this context that I pray, worship, and read his word.
In order to connect with him in prayer – I remember that there is life on the other side of my prayer -- and it’s him! Instead of just saying a bunch of words, I remember that I’m sharing my heart with someone who loves me and is deeply interested in me. Not because I’m a great catch, but because he is amazing, and he told me he would be there.
Connecting with God in worship is pretty much the same – I remember there is life on the other side of this song – and it’s him! And he is worth all of this and so much more. In fact when in worship it’s really important to remember that it’s all for him – not for those around me – they may be encouraged by it -- but it’s for him. If I can approach worship with this heart then connecting with him is so much easier.
Connecting with God while reading his word is along the same lines, but a little different. When reading his word I remember that in the word is a wonderful revealing of God’s heart. It’s here that he reveals his heart to me. The Bible is God’s story of love for us – his love letter to us. So when I read the word, I read it like that – a letter revealing God’s heart to me. There is life on the other side of the words on the page, and that life is him!
Ok, so now that I said all of this I need to tell you that I don’t pray, worship, or read the word as much as I should – in fact, I’m not even close. I also don’t want to leave the impression that there is some type of equation we have to figure out in order to approach God. All God asks for is that we approach him in faith. What I’m sharing here is how God through faith has helped me grow in connecting with him.
Thanks for stopping by…
Thursday, November 02, 2006
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I think we all connect in different ways with God... Mmm...
In Jesus,
Maria in the UK
Very good and practical advice. I think you have emphasized something very important in discussing the relationship we have with God. I have to remind myself of that often.
Maria - Thanks for visiting, and I totally agree with you. My post isn't meant to be the end all of how to connect...(but I'm sure you already know that)actually just some encouragement along the way for those struggling in these areas.
Jason - thanks for stopping by. I'm with you - sometimes life gets so busy that we get kind of numb to prayer, worship, and reading the word. It's these times for me that I need to be reminded of the things written here.
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