Friday, November 03, 2006

About being righteous...

2 Corinthians 5:21
God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

This verse has always been very comforting to me -- because I know me -- and all the times I fall far short of what God desires in my life. Scripture says "there is no one rightous, not even one." But God demands righteousness -- so what are we to do?

Believe what Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:21... on the cross Jesus took my place. In doing that he took the blame, shame, pain and death I so deserved -- and when he did, he gave me his righteousness! Amazing Grace how sweet the sound...

What an amazing Savior we have!


Anonymous said...

Indeed our Saviour is awesome! Without Him we are nothing and on the path to death!

God bless
Maria in the UK

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the reminder, Jamie. We do not have to live a defeated life because of the victory we truly have in what Jesus has done. I hope that these are not just words, but are real in my life.

Thanks also for the encouragement.

jamie riley said...

Thank you all for visiting... you're always welcome here.

Maria - very well said...

Gary - thanks for the encouragement.

Celeste - Thank you for the kind things you said in your comment, you are very encouraging.

BTW - I'm still praying for James.

aaronkallner said...

Good thoughts,

I always think of the Third Day song "I can't take the pain", when I read these verses. The last part when they say "but you took the pain and you made it all your own". I get chills everytime I hear that part.
